Lesson 2 - Simple words and opposites in Dutch

dutch lessons - MVV - learn dutch - Civic Integration

Below you will find the first words and then opposite words which you need to memorize.
Most of these words we will use in simple stories and conversations in the next lessons.
Repeat all the words as much as necessary and only continue to the next lesson if you can understand and remember all of them.
Click on the button alongside the word or sentence and you will hear the word spoken in Dutch.
Your first few Dutch words

Yes Ja
No Nee
Maybe Misschien
How? Hoe?
How far? Hoever?
How much? Hoeveel?
What? Wat?
When? Wanneer?
Why? Waarom?
Where? Waar?
Which? Welke?
Who? Wie?
Question Vraag
Answer Antwoord
Also Ook
And En
Because Omdat
But Maar
If Of


Only Alleen
Possible Mogelijk
With Met
Excuse me Pardon
Bye Doei
Then Daarna
There Daar
That Dat
This Deze
That Die
Here Hier
Approximately Ongeveer
Near Dichtbij
In the past Vroeger
Between Tussen
People Mensen
City Stad
Road Weg
Color Kleur


And some more Dutch words

Banana Banaan
Tomato Tomaat
Lemon Citroen
Orange Sinaasappel
Milk Melk
Bag Tas
Pencil Potlood
Pen Pen
Tain Trein
Car Auto
Book Boek
Cup Beker
Pan Pan
Vase Vaas
Shoe Schoen
Telephone Telefoon
Coffee Koffie
Tea Thee
Bicycle Fiets
Bus Bus


Your first simple Dutch opposites

Yes - No Ja - Nee
Thick - Thin Dik - Dun
Long - Short Lang - Kort
Expensive - Cheap Duur - Goedkoop
Wet - Dry Nat - Droog
Poor - Rich Arm - Rijk
Empty - Full Leeg - Vol
Big - Small Groot - Klein
War - Peace Oorlog - Vrede
Dirty - Clean Vies - Schoon
Earlier - Later Vroeger - Later
Inside - Outside Binnen - Buiten
Man - Woman Man - Vrouw
Mister - Mrs Meneer - Mevrouw
Boy - Girl Jongen - Meisje
Easy - Difficult Makkelijk - Moeilijk
Ugly - Beautiful Lelijk - Mooi
More - Less Meer - Minder
Before - After Na - Voor


No - Yes Nee - Ja
Thin - Thick Dun - Dik
Short - Long Kort - Lang
Cheap - Expensive Goedkoop - Duur
Dry - Wet Droog - Nat
Rich - Poor Rijk - Arm
Full - Empty Vol - Leeg
Small - Big Klein - Groot
Peace - War Vrede - Oorlog
Clean - Dirty Schoon - Vies
Later - Earlier Later - Vroeger
Outside - Inside Buiten - Binnen
Woman - Man Vrouw - Man
Mrs - Mister Mevrouw - Meneer
Girl - Boy Meisje - Jongen
Difficult - Easy Moelijk - Makkelijk
Beautiful - Ugly Mooi - Lelijk
Less - More Minder - Meer
After - Before Voor - Na


Are you able to remember all Dutch words and opposites ?
Great, your 2nd Lesson is ended. Don't forget to keep on practicing every day !

 LESSON 1        LESSON 3

Learn Dutch